I am really bad at coming up with catchy titles for emails if you haven't noticed by now :) oh well. This week was really good! Any week when General Conference is on is going to be good. I might have shed a tear or two, seeing as its my last conference on my mission. That's crazy to think about. Today is my 14 month mark of being in Louisiana, and yesterday was my 4-month left mark. The time goes by SO FAST and I'm not sure what to think! Hopefully I'll finish out my mission in Albany.
Albany is SO GREAT! I love it here :) My companion, Sister McEntire, is awesome. She's a lot like Sister Stephens and Sister Baird--we laugh a lot and have a really good time, but also can teach really well together. I love this area already! We have two other sisters who live with us (we actually live in Hammond, but work in Albany), sister Hafford and Sister Carpenter! They are really cool too :) We get so distracted in the evenings because it's just so easy to sit and talk to each other! We get along really well. Sister McEntire's been out for almost a year (her year mark is next week) and Sister Hafford has been out 9 months, and Sister Carpenter has been out...well a week! So it's a good house. It's weird because there are only 6 sisters older than me on the mission. 6. And I know them all. So I am one of the oldest sisters out at this point! so everyone's younger than me :)
Okay. So we went on our first exchange this week (so I swapped with another sister for the day) and so I got to hang out with Sister Stephens last companion and have fun and talk about her :) It was great fun and I am so excited to learn from all of the sisters I serve around. It's going to be such a good transfer! I've already learned so much.
This wekend was General Conference, like I said. One of my favorite parts of the talks was President Monson's. He was talking about a woman who went to the Holy Land and was amazed to walk where Jesus walked and be where He was. But then President Monson said something that really struck me. He said: "it is of far less importance to walk where Jesus walked, as it is to walk as Jesus walked." We all will walk that path. Jesus walked the path of pain, disappointment, and temptaion. We will too. But He also walked the path of obedience, service, and prayer. We can walk that path if we want. But as we strive to place Christ at the center of our lives, He promises to give us eternal life. No other choice we make makes us what He can. that was such a good talk, in my opinion. Whenever I go to General Conference it makes me want to try a little harder to be a little better.
It's been fun meeting all the members and trying to learn the area. This week we have MLC (missionary leadership council) and ZTM (zone training meeting) so I get to head down to Baton Rouge on Wednesday for a meeting, then plan and put on another meeting with the zone leaders. It's gonna be a party.
I love yall! I hope everything is going well. When the chips are down, always remember my favorite scripture: "Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not."
Sister Steele
Sister Carpenter, Sister Hafford, Sister McEntire, Me! |
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